Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Max and Mummy go visiting

My sister Amy and I usually take it in turns to visit each other every fortnight to give the babies a chance to play with each other and ourselves a chance to catch up and show off their latest achievements. The Christmas break put a bit of a halt to this and so last week it was definitely Max's and my turn to go visiting.

The twins have both been practising their sitting up and all three are now stable enough to line up so that we can take photos of them.

The twins were very generous in sharing the toys they got for Christmas and all three had a good time playing together, even though their favourite activity was grabbing each other. The adults also had a great time since our other sister Tammy came over as well and we had three adults for three babies, which is a great ratio.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo...haven't your sisters twins grown heaps!!! Great reading your blog and seeing what you get up to!! Have decided to start one 2! Have a great Fi

Anonymous said...

Max is thinking: "I cannot believe you're taking my photo with these on my head!" :)

Good to hear you all had a wonderful holiday and are doing well!
