We headed up to Bli Bli on the day before Christmas Eve to see the Batkin grandparents. Max was very well behaved in the car, and slept almost the whole way up, even through some slow patches of traffic.

Max had a great time at Nanny and Poppy's place since some of their other grandchildren were also up there visiting for the holidays before Christmas Day. Cam had fun dropping Max in on cousin Liam at 5am in memory of having had the same done to him when he was a teenager. The cousins also had fun playing with Max and I'm sure he enjoyed all of the attention as well.
Christmas Day was a big one for Max, as your first Christmas should be! The rest of the Batkin clan arrived while Max was having a nap, so we started on the nibblies and waited to open presents until he was awake. Once he woke up cousin Caitlin dressed up in the Santa Claus costume and the present opening began.

Max could barely contain his excitement at all of the brightly coloured paper and exciting, noisy and shiny new toys and books, and wanted to play with everything at once. There was also no shortage of people wanting to cuddle and play with him, so he had a great time.
After a couple of hours of this Max was getting tired again, so we put him down for a nap and started on the magnificent Christmas lunch, with delicious contributions from everyone. As usual there was far to much to eat, but it just wouldn't be a proper Christmas lunch otherwise, and everything was just so tasty that you had to keep on going!
Unfortunately Max didn't want to miss out on the fun and woke up halfway through, but uncle Lance showed off his baby settling skills and quietened him down again for a while with a nice cuddle.
After dessert and the cleaning up, I took the chance to have a quick nap while Cam and Max spent time with the family. Then it was time to say goodbye and thank you for all the wonderful gifts, pack up and head out to the Pfeffer grandparents for Christmas part 2.
After a couple of hours of this Max was getting tired again, so we put him down for a nap and started on the magnificent Christmas lunch, with delicious contributions from everyone. As usual there was far to much to eat, but it just wouldn't be a proper Christmas lunch otherwise, and everything was just so tasty that you had to keep on going!
Unfortunately Max didn't want to miss out on the fun and woke up halfway through, but uncle Lance showed off his baby settling skills and quietened him down again for a while with a nice cuddle.
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