Part of the fun of reaching the 6-month milestone for Max is getting to finally eat some real food, instead of just watching everyone else eat.

We started Max on rice cereal just after Christmas, and he was very quick to catch on to the idea of eating and opening his mouth when the spoon gets close. To be fair, he opens his mouth no matter what comes near it, but still, he did very well eating rice cereal for a week or so before he started getting a bit sick of it and wanting something tastier. Very understandable, if you've ever tried to eat that stuff.

These days Max has upgraded to eating apple mixed with baby cereal for breakfast, and pumpkin for dinner. We've also moved him into his high chair so that hopefully it's only Max who ends up as a sticky mess, instead of it being both Mummy and Max who needed a bath after dinner.

Max loves to chew on the spoon, and letting him do this is a good way to cheer him up to get those last few mouthfuls in, even though he looks almost like a pumpkin himself by the time he's finished!
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