As all good Aussies know, the correct way to eat a mango is with your shirt off, while bending over the sink. To make things easier for Max, we took off all of his clothes and let him sit in the sink, and then gave him mango bits to suck on. He took an instant liking to this and had a wonderful time sucking the juice out of the mango. When he was done we put him straight into the bath to clean up the sticky orange mess, which he enjoyed almost as much.
Hey Cam - Karyn Farmer here! Andrew gave me the website info so I could find you! Would love to catch up but won't bore you with all the details here! You can email me on: sixfarmers@gmail.com Hope to hear from you soon!
PS - I just love Max - he is SOOOO cute... and, no, I am NOT clucky.... at least, not very much... :)
So glad to see that Max is enjoying the taste of fruits. We too are enjoying the taste of Aussie Tim Tams - Kenna shared with us! Thank you so much! Hope you all had a great Christmas and best wishes in the New Year.
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