Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A visit from Nanny

Last week Max turned 4 months old - hip hip hooray! Unfortunately as a result of this we had to take him back to the doctor for more needles. Understandably, Max does not enjoy getting poked with sharp things and the experience is a bit rough on both of us since I have to hold him still and hear his betrayed and hurt sounding cries and he has to put up with the actual needles.

To make things a bit easier, Nanny (Cam's mum) came down to visit for a couple of days to give us some moral support and extra cuddles, as well as spend more time with her newest grandson.

As you can see, Max had a great time playing with his Nanny and showing off all of his latest skills, such as sitting up, biting fingers with his tooth and chuckling and smiling more frequently. With so much attention he soon got over the needles and was back to his usual (mostly) happy self.

To help him to learn to sit, friends of ours have lent us a wonderful invention called a Bumbo, which is a moulded seat designed to keep young babies stable while sitting, once they can hold their heads up without support. Max had a great time sitting in the Bumbo on a chair at the table smiling and talking to Nanny and I and playing with a trauma teddy made for him by Nanny.

Since the teddy is easy to grab onto Max loves to chew on it. A couple of times he lost his grip and let it fall, but his position in the seat meant that Max's legs were a perfect resting place for the teddy's arms on the way down, and so he could pick it straight back up again!

All of us enjoyed having Nanny come to stay so much that she is now planning on coming down on the train once a month.

1 comment:

AndrewWrites said...

Is that really Nany, or just Cam with a wig on...the truth will come out!!