It started coming through at the beginning of last week and made him a bit grumpy, but I thought there's no way he could be teething yet so I didn't even consider that it may have been the cause of his discontent. But by about Tuesday last week you could actually feel the bump and see the beginnings of it, so after that there was no denying it! Thankfully he seems to know that feeding time is just for sucking and not biting though.
Since then his tooth has continued its journey out of his gums and can be seen fairly easily these days so I took the chance to try and get a photo of it for you, which only took 8 goes so thank goodness for digital cameras.

I think the second one is on it's way from Max's general grumpiness the last day or so, but it hasn't emerged yet. Once it's out and both teeth are of a good size we shall let you all know!
Far out that went quick....I can't believe he has teeth already. Its just crazy how quick they get big!
I can not believe it! Nate was 11mths old when he got his first tooth.
Max is not only the same size, same weight as Nate, who is 8mths older than Max... now he has teeth. My goodness!!!
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