Sunday, November 25, 2007

Christmas Party!!

Max went to his first Christmas party today. You think as his father and one of the organisers of the social club that I would have more baby specific things organised. I tried to but the teacups ride that was kinda baby friendly had a short last night and was a smoking mess. They gave us the mini ferris wheel instead. But the lady would not let me ride because I am too big and Max is too small to ride alone.

But Max did have his first encounter with Santa which did not end in crying from either side which is a good thing. It was kinda good as Max was in a slightly grumpy mood due to his second tooth being a big white bump that is about to break through any moment.

Max scored some Winnie the Pooh blocks which are kinda cool. He did seem much more interested in the wrapping paper however. So if you want to get Max a good cheap present this year a couple of rolls of wrapping paper will do the trick.

Max had the pleasure of having every man and his dog checking him out as he hasn't been at the Centre in a month or two.

Jo and I managed to have a pretty good time due to being able to have Max getting cuddles from friends whilst we enjoyed some hamburgers, chips and ice creams. I know some of you would be disappointed if I did not mention food in this blog somewhere.

I will endeavour to post a small video of him getting his gift in the next day or two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas party? So soon? Silly're not that far ahead of the States.

So I hear you have a new leader down under? Is this true?

And I ate a delicious Tim Tam yesterday. Mmmmm...
