Max has always loved to play outside, and well, who doesn't really?
Now that the dust storms all appear to be over we have again been spending a bit of time outside, either going for walks or just playing in the backyard.
the dust storm ... taken around 1pm last Wednesday
Some of his favourite outside activities include riding his bike, playing in the sandpit, throwing and catching balls (he also loves when we throw them on the roof) and generally running around like crazy.
One thing he has started to do recently is to get an empty flower pot, put it on his head and call it a 'fire hat' and ride his bike around. I guess he is pretending to be a fireman? It looks pretty cute anyway ...
I have no idea where he got the idea for this but it keeps him quite happy, even though it is a bit dirty.
The other thing he has been enjoying lately is picking and eating from our strawberry plants. This season he is much better at realising that you can only eat the red ones, and have to leave the green ones on the plant to get bigger and turn red so you can eat them. The plants have grown a lot since last season as well, expanding into other pots and putting on much more fruit. Here's a sample of what we picked in about 5 minutes one afternoon.
However fast we pick them, Max seems to be able to eat them faster. He loves strawberries and simply can't get enough!

I read about the dust storm online, looked pretty intense in some areas. And I remember the strawberry plant: Max was so sad when he picked a green one and realized he couldn't put it back on the plant. :)
I love the flower pot on the head look, very in for this summer I hear.
Wow the photos of the dust storm look amazing. I must of been hard to even go outside those days.
David Harris also sent us photos of the dust storm. Guess you have to dust and clean the house now?
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