Max has been growing up so fast lately, and with him becoming more independent with his toilet training we thought it was about time for him to move out of his cot and into a big-boy bed. We've raised the topic over the last few weeks by reading stories about other boys moving into their big boy beds and discussing some of his friends who also have them, and he has been very enthusiastic about the idea.
So this morning Max helped me to take his cot apart and stow it in the garage and to bring in and assemble a single bed frame that Grandpa very kindly brought up with him in the ute on one of his recent visits.
Once it was together he was a little unsure about the idea, but we managed to reassure him by placing his Diego pillow and all of his toys on the bed, as well as some of the cot blankets even though they don't quite fit. He was also reassured that everything else in his room is still more or less the same.
He was very keen to go to bed for his daytime nap today and started asking for it at about 11am (he normally goes down at about 1.30pm). We compromised on 12.30pm, when he very willingly got into his bed and enjoyed a story (finally I don't have to sit on the floor and read them anymore!) before going to sleep without any complaints at all.
I had to sneak in and get a photo of him sleeping, but didn't want to use the flash so apologies about the dimness.

Tonight Max was also excited about sleeping in his big-boy bed and once again went to sleep with no complaints at all (SUCH a good sleeper these days!).
Cam and I were just relaxing after dinner and discussing if we should invest in some bed rails to stop him falling out. My opinion was to wait and see if it happens and then do something about it if we need to. About half an hour later I heard a thump! and went to check on Max. He was fast asleep on the floor, still cuddling his teddy. This time we definitely had to get a photo with the flash even at the risk of waking him, but we needn't have worried. Neither the fall, nor the flash, nor me picking him up and putting him back into bed woke him in the slightest!

WELL DONE Max!!! U definitely are growing up fast and doing very well with potty training and the move to the big bed. Well done to Cam/Jo for easing him in2 his bed through books....Troy & Fi
Jo - this made me laugh sooo much! Thanks always for sharing! I think we will be at this point sometime in the near future with Justin, so thanks also for the tips on easing in. :) Tell Max we're so proud of him - he's growing up so fast!
love always,
Julie, Brian, and Justin :)
Oh Cam and Jo you have made me laugh; I have tears in my eyes; and yet I know I shouldn't laugh. Don't you just love the transition into the big bed.
Go Max Go!
well done Max and Mum / Dad
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