Today is Max's Mum's birthday. The day started well with Max sleeping in till around 6.20 or so. I know that doesn't seem like much of a sleep in but when he was a bit younger he was up everyday at 5am !!
Max got out of bed and had a feed because their are priorities in life you know. Max then handed Jo the present he had selected which is a DVD of the movie Love Actually. I told Max to hand it to Jo which he did and then took back to play with. When I told Max it was a very important day as it was Mummy's birthday he gave Jo a huge smile some cute noises and lots of clapping. he just kept clapping and clapping.
He seems to be able to pick up on the tone in my voice so well.
I shall update later with some pics.
Happy Birthday Jo!!!
The bags are packed...
8 years ago
Yay! Happy Birthday Jo!!!!
Love from Amy, Kurt, Elke and Gabbie.
Huzzah for Jo! I hope you enjoyed your day...many happy returns! :)
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