On the recent Anzac Day long weekend the Batkins decided to go up to Bli Bli to visit Nanny and Poppy. Unfortunately Nanny and Poppy were away that weekend, to the disappointment of everyone. But we decided not to let that stand in the way of a chance to get away for the weekend and went up to their house in Bli Bli anyway.
Cam's sister Bronwyn and her family were also there on the Friday so we caught up with them after their recent trip to America and Disneyworld. They all had a great time and brought back many presents, including these matching family t-shirts!

They also bought Max his first pair of Chuck's, which are unfortunately a little too small for his feet. Although they are tiny feet they are quite big for his age and even after much trying we were unable to get the shoes on, to our great disappointment.
Still, we had fun dressing Max in his t-shirt, which has plenty of room in it yet!

We also managed to catch up with some other coastie friends while we were there, including Stacey and Steve and their newest addition to the family, little Timothy. It's hard to believe that Max was that size not so long ago - it seems like much longer! We also had a quick chat with Anthony and Pauline and Mason. It won't be long before they also have an addition to their family which is quite exciting.
Anyway after a nice relaxing couple of days, we headed home again early on the Sunday to beat the traffic rush. On the Sunday afternoon Grandpa called in since he was in Brisbane for the weekend, so he and Max played block towers and had fun on the swings in our local park. So Max got to see some of his grandparents after all, just not the ones we originally intended to see!
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