Friday, July 27, 2007

Worst Parents Ever!!

Yesterday it was time for Max's 1000km service. So we got him all fed and clean and got him in the pram for the 300m walk to the Doctor's which is just around the corner. Just as we got there I realised that we did not bring the nappy bag!

Being foolhardy inexperienced parents we thought oh we just changed him what are the odds of him being dirty so quick. There is no need to dash home and get the nappy bag. So when it came time to weigh Max I had to strip him down to nothing. Well you know what I found in his pants don't you. That's right he had filled his pants with mustard. So we used some tissues and got some funny looks from the doctor and then fitted Max with the best thing available at the time a female incontinence pad so we could get him home.

The check up went just fine and the doctor was very happy with Max. I am not sure what he thinks of Max's parents however. They may call the law in on us.


Anonymous said...

I bet you'll never make that mistake again. Just wait until you go away for a weekend with Max. You'll fill the boot and the back seat with essentials.

Anonymous said...

a good bloke said.....'its all sermon illustrations..all sermon illustrations' Trust the gut when in doubt!
PS very funny story

Anonymous said...

Hey, welcome to the world upon where you will be forever wearing an "L" plate around your neck... this will be the first of many.

Take comfort in the fact that I just did the same thing the other day. I thought I would walk around the corner to visit Shelly and drop off somethings, got half way there and remembered the nappy bag, stopped, thought do I turn around, nah, and as soon as we got there, Nate did the biggest blow-off and the mustard went everywhere.