Max is lucky to have quite a few cousins, of all genders and ages, from mine and Cam's sides of the family.
His cousins on Cam's side are all quite a bit older than Max is. He met his Ashkar cousins on the day of his birth, and got a cuddle from the two girls which he and they were pretty stoked about. I think their mum may have some trouble convincing them that they don't really want one of their own just yet! The photos of this are already up here in the
new friends post from Cam.
On Friday he got to meet his closest in age cousins - my sister's girls the twins. Although they are about 5 weeks older than Max, he still beats them in terms of size and weight since he was born at 41 weeks as opposed to their 34 weeks. He also gets more impatient and noisy when things don't go his way, while the twins are much more patient since they have already had to learn to wait for each other for food and cuddles and, well, most things.

We tried to get a photo of all three together but Max wasn't very happy about this plan at all, and let everyone know about it in no uncertain terms. The girls remained fairly peaceful through his screaming but eventually joined in with him just for the fun of it, so we had all three unhappy at once which was fun. This photo shows Max voicing his displeasure at being forced to be in the middle of the two girls and risking catching girls germs.

On Saturday Max got to meet the rest of his cousins and aunts and uncles. Cam's sister and her husband and two boys came down from Hervey Bay especially to visit Max and give him more cuddles and presents - he is definitely one lucky boy! Here he is, enjoying being the centre of attention and getting a cuddle from Aunty Bron at the same time.
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