Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Surprise showers

The peanut (the name for the baby until he/she decides to make themselves known) is one very lucky unborn child. They have already received so many gifts from friends and family, and is usually the first topic of conversation when talking to people as well.

One of the coolest things is that the peanut has already been thrown not one, but two surprise parties!
A few weeks ago Cam with the help of the women's ministry team at the church we go to, threw the peanut and I a surprise baby shower. I was especially surprised by this since usually Cam is, well, not the best person at keeping secrets, especially exciting ones like this. But I had no idea it was on, and even started planning one of my own! Cam and the church ladies threw an awesome surprise shower and invited other friends and family as well. We had heaps of fun playing games, getting messy (mmmm, green playdough), eating chocolate and other yummy food, and of course giving the peanut more presents, along with the many blessings and prayers. Thank you so much to all who helped organise and contribute!

Then this week it was Cam's turn to be surprised, when his boss and workmates threw him and the peanut a surprise baby shower. Cam's eye for detail meant that he did have a couple of clues about what was going on, but he didn't know that his boss had secretly contacted me to make sure I was invited, or that so many people were involved in giving and contributing to the gifts, so it was still a good surprise and a fun afternoon. We were both overwhelmed once more by people's generosity and really touched by the gorgeous gifts chosen for our little peanut.

A huge thankyou from us to all involved, and we will make sure the peanut appreciates all of it once he/she shows up!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cam and Jo,
I think it is awsome that Cam's boss threw him a baby shower to. The men are often forgotten when it comes to babies and pregnancies, with the focus being on mother and child *( but of course we should be the center of attention naturaly)so it nice to see him getting a piece of the action too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, Cam & P-nut
I might suggest that with Cam's love of all things USA that it might be very appropriate if you went into labour and delivered in TV prime time...not that I'd wish that on you but it just seems appropriate!
Good Luck & Take care
Matt & Judi

Anonymous said...

Hi Batkin family,
Awesome blog Jo! Bubs is blessed aye! He has a beautiful mum and a crazy dad (lol) to go with the package! Blessings to you 3 and be assured we're all praying for a safe delivery. Enjoy the days ahead and rest up well. Love and blessings Troy, Fi, Josiah & Jordan

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow guys, not long to go! Its great to hear that the lead up to the big day has been so enjoyable for the 3 of you. I'm sure its an indication of how the Batkin family is going to be! Cam, don't forget, chilli night in the next few weeks. If the peanut is one of the boys, he can come too. If not, she'll have to stay home with mum. Wouldn't want to corrupt her... yet!
We'll be praying for you both, for a safe delivery and that the stalk will have the right address!
Love you guys.
Simon and

Anonymous said...

What? No in-utero vids yet. Well being a member of the first generation to be "baby sat" by television, it's not real 'til I see it on a screen. Good luck for the upcoming... C'mon Cam .. get busy wid da vid ?!?!

becky said...

Cam, Jo and P-nut,
Just to let you know that your friends in the US are praying for you. Love the blog - we'll be checking it daily for the big arrival.
Becky & family(Kenna's Mom)

Unknown said...

Hi Cam
Go P-nut, please come now so Cam can have a break.
All the best the SETS boys
Rob B.