When you are close to having your child the experts talk about nesting where the mother does things to prepare the way for the child to come. I have seen nesting in various ways over the years from my sister that became a even neater freak or the other sister that started baking all sorts of stuff. I had a next door neighbour that had her husband build a vege patch and would be out there with a hoe for hours planting and tending her plants.
I am pleased to say for my palates sake that Jo has been ensuring the nursery is ready but also been baking like a baking machine on the bakingiest day of it's life with a electrified baking machine. I have endured through the chocolate muffins with cheescake like filling, choc chip biscuits and the cheescake. I m not sure that my waistline can keep up with this sort of nesting behaviour. If the Peanut decides to stay inside for a bit longer I could be a fair bit wider than before.
But being a loving and compassionate husband I have also caught the nesting bug. Infact I may have had it first. For a couple of months I have been using the little spare change in our grocery budget to stock up on non perishables like extra glad wrap and washing detergent. We have multiples of pretty much everthing and not just a extra 1 or 2 but it is more like 4 of each. It was at it's worst when I bought 64 rolls of toilet paper. I know that is excessive but in my defence it was 32 rolls for 12 bucks and it is triple ply paper. You can't scrimp when it comes to toilet paper. When I grabbed one pack I thought I may as well grab two.
Please can someone help me because I am not sure what I will buy multiples of this week. It may be Tim Tams as they are $1.28 this next week. I am not sure my waistline can take it.
The bags are packed...
8 years ago
Well, you could always buy heaps of Tim Tams and send them all to me. :) I can't wait to get the news about the Peanut!!
Cam & Jo,
Congrats on the Baby GIRL! That's my vote at least. I could just picture you with a little girl, Cam.
Anyway, keep us posted on how everything comes out! :)
Doug F.
We are all anxiously waiting for the 'phone call' and are praying for a safe and speedy (not too speedy) birth of grandchild No. 3.
What a great month June and July have been.
21st, twins, wedding, more babies, it's all happening!
This one's a boy that's what I vote for.
Love you all
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