Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Swimming lessons

For the last 4 weeks Max has been going to swimming lessons on Tuesday mornings. I have been wanting to get him more used to the water, as well as learn for myself the best ways to teach a little person how to start to swim and be safer in the water.

Max has taken to it quite well, and improves every week in the way he moves around in the water, holds his breath while under the water, in the way he kicks his legs, and also just in general confidence.

This week we have Kenna from the States staying with us (an old friend of Cam's and one of our regular blog commenters) so she was able to take some photos while Max and I were in the water.

1 comment:

AndrewWrites said...

That's so cool Jo. I think its awesome that you're getting Max into the whole swimming thing when he's young enough for it to become 'natural' for him.

We started Nate "swimming" last summer, but since moving down to Adelaide the wheels sort of fell off and now I think it'll be like starting all over again.

You have inspired me - to the pool!