Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Max goes to Women's Retreat

Sorry for the lack of blogging recently! No real excuses except that Max has been a bit sick with a cough and hasn't been sleeping much during the day, which makes it tricky for me to find time to blog.

Anyway, a weekend or two ago Max and Nanny came along with me to our church Women's Retreat up at Coolum. The ladies who organised the sleeping arrangements really looked after us and gave us our own room with a bathroom, which was really handy since it meant Max could have some decent sleeps without disturbing the other ladies and babies (or being disturbed by them!).

All three of us had a great weekend - me because I got to hang out with friends and take a bit of a break from full-time Max-care, Nanny because she got to spend time with her newest grandson (and me I guess) and Max because he got to see his Nanny, have a change of scenery from home and beat up the younger babies who were there (Nathaniel and Zephaniah in the photo - also there were Jesse and Talaini).

Over the weekend we got to spend lots of time relaxing and chatting, listening to speakers, singing praise and worship songs, eating good food, dressing up in fancy clothes and enjoying or providing a bit of pampering. Max was very well behaved for the weekend, but I'm looking forward to next year even more because he will then be weaned and can stay with Daddy instead!

Thanks to the ladies from Logan Church for organising an excellent weekend away - you did an awesome job!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

First Mothers Day!

The Batkins were out visiting Max's Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend of Mothers Day since Cam had a meeting in Toowoomba. Max had lots of fun playing out on the farm and getting to know his Pfeffer grandparents on the Saturday. One of his favourite activities was sliding down a piece of cardboard that Grandpa set up on top of a mound of crusher dust that he was using as a base for a new garden shed. Max got the idea of this really quickly and loved leaning forward with his arms out enough to give him some momentum to go sliding down into Grandpa's arms. He gave out lots of smiles and chuckles and everyone had a great time.

On Sunday morning for Mothers Day we all went into Grandma and Grandpa's room to open presents, in long-running Pfeffer tradition. After exchanging them (Max gave me a CD I've been wanting and some chocolates) Daddy and Grandpa took Max and went to make breakfast for us while Grandma and I stayed in bed and chatted. We had a nice time catching up and relaxing and then ate some delicious bacon and eggs in bed! That's definitely the latest I've stayed in bed since before Max came along.

In the afternoon before we headed back to Brisbane we went to visit Max's great-grandma, known to all as Ma. She has a couple of her daughters (Grandpa's sisters, my aunts) visiting her for Mothers Day so there were lots of my cousins for Max to play with, and although they were all quite a bit older than him he loved just watching them run around.

We then had a fairly uneventful trip back to Brisbane except for the last 20 mins or so, when Max was sick of driving and getting hungry. We managed to keep him happy by playing his favourite song ('Clap Your Hands' by They Might Be Giants) about 5 or 6 times in a row! A bit monotonous but it was worth it.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mummy's Birthday

Today is Max's Mum's birthday. The day started well with Max sleeping in till around 6.20 or so. I know that doesn't seem like much of a sleep in but when he was a bit younger he was up everyday at 5am !!

Max got out of bed and had a feed because their are priorities in life you know. Max then handed Jo the present he had selected which is a DVD of the movie Love Actually. I told Max to hand it to Jo which he did and then took back to play with. When I told Max it was a very important day as it was Mummy's birthday he gave Jo a huge smile some cute noises and lots of clapping. he just kept clapping and clapping.

He seems to be able to pick up on the tone in my voice so well.

I shall update later with some pics.

Happy Birthday Jo!!!