Friday, June 6, 2008

What Makes You Think You Can Do That!!

Last night while Jo was having a shower Max and I were in the lounge room spending some quality son & dad time together. This normally involves the reading of a story putting Max on the walker trolley thing and generally playing.

Last night Max was on the end of our Chaise lounge and was standing there and patting it and smiling when he turned and took a couple of steps towards the couch!! Just as he got to the couch he lost his balanced he face planted the couch. Ouch! But like the trooper he is he barely made a squeak.

When Jo was done we spent some time sitting opposite each other and Max taking a couple of steps between us. He then crawled over Jo and stood up on the walker trolley thing and then turned and took a couple of steps towards the coffee table when he decided to gently land.

Jo and I turned to each other and said do you think he knows he can't walk yet??

We are very excited and scared at the same time as the game has now completely changed that he can walk. We will attempt to catch some footage of this momentous occassion.

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