Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Visiting the cousins

Max and I took another trip over to the other side of town to visit his littlest cousins on Thursday last week.
All of them have new skills now and are getting increasingly mobile, so it was fun to watch them interact. Gabbie is now crawling like a pro and pulling herself up on furniture, and can even climb up stairs! Elke moves around on her tummy and is apparently eating solids faster than you can say 'where did all that food go?'. Max also loves to pull himself up onto people and furniture and is getting closer and closer to crawling.

Here's some photos of them, unfortunately taken when everyone was a bit tired and cranky.

In this one Gabbie is eyeing off Max's dummy and is about to go over and snatch it.

Here are the girls all set to crawl over to Mummy and Daddy.

And here's all three little ones. I like how Gabbie looks like she's consoling Max.

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