Thursday, August 30, 2007

One of the Biggest!!!

Today is young Max's 6 week birthday. We all know the best way to celebrate that is to go to the Doctors for your 5000 km check up.

There seems to not have been a repeat of the unpleasantness that accompanied us on our last visit to the Doctors. No need for female incontinence pads this time. Jo took Max around to the doctors in the baby carrier and not the cumbersome pram.

So enough of the fluff and onto the gritty statistics. Max started off life at hefty 4.1 kg 9lb 1oz and then at three weeks and 6 days was 5.7kg or 12 5 1/2 oz and today he weighed in at 6.45 kg or 14lb 2 oz.

He is also stretching out at birth Max was 51 cm and is now 58.8cm!

The doctor said some babies struggle to get this amount of growth in 6 months let alone 6 weeks!!!

Let it be said that Jo's and my biceps seem to be on the increase and I think I know why.

Hopefully he may slow down a bit soon or I may do in my back by the time he is 2!

1 comment:

Tim Fawssett said...

Hey guys, great to hear Max is growing up fast. Rosie was 8lb11 when born, and 53cm long - we will have to compare notes in 5 weeks.