Saturday, June 20, 2009

Highlights - Day 1

Some highlights from our first full day include:
  • Dinner at restaurant called Max's. Very good chicken!
  • We all had a ride on a motortrike to get to the Seminary. Max had so much fun he cried when he got off.
  • Cam rode in a Jeepney with the locals and nearly hit a local when it stopped really quick and Cam could could not stop.
  • Max rode on a small kiddy ride for 10 cents and had a blast and got lots of attention from the locals.
  • Cam rocked up to Dunkin Donuts and the clerk looked at me and said " Are you having the 15 pack of donuts sir?" I must admit I did buy 15 Dunkin Donuts for $5.
  • Whilst at a suburban ATM I had a gent pull out a bowie knife with built in flash light and tried to sell me the knife and a machete and meat cleaver as well. I politely declined.
That's enough of for now we will update when we can.

Cam. Jo and Max

1 comment:

AndrewWrites said...

Man, I thought the bowie knife story was going to end badly for a sec there... phew!

Glad its all going so well.