Last Saturday was my birthday, yay! :)
My two boys helped me to celebrate it in lots of lovely ways, starting with homemade pancakes with raspberry sauce for breakfast in bed. Max helped Daddy make them by telling him when there were bubbles in the pancakes and they were ready to flip over, and by sitting next to me in bed eating every other mouthful. After breakfast Max and Cam went to the markets and left me at home to sleep in and relax in bed which was lovely.
Later in the afternoon when we had all had a nap, we headed in to Southbank for a family afternoon out. We browsed through the Saturday markets that they hold there and I found a gorgeous necklace that I instantly loved (this happens very rarely), and so my lovely husband bought it as a birthday present! What a nice guy.
Max enjoyed the playgrounds and just watching all of the people. It was busier than usual, being Buddha's birthday, with lots of Chinese lanterns strung up and many different displays and food.
The best thing about the event as far as he was concerned, however, was not the food (for once!) but the free drum workshop for children. He thought it was brilliant that they gave him so many different noisy toys and let him go crazy with them, although Cam didn't think it was quite so great being hit with the clapping sticks.

We picked up a delicious birthday cake on the way home and got Chinese for dinner for a nice finish to a really lovely day. Thanks Cam and Max!
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