Friday, October 17, 2008

First haircut!

I took Max to get his first haircut last week. His fringe was getting so long it was constantly in his eyes, and he also had a bit of a mullet forming at the back. We took some shots just before going to the hairdressers so that we could do a bit of 'before and after' for you all. So here are the many fringes of Max ...

long and emo

messy side part with grin

my attempt at a comb-over

big mess!

I was a bit worried about how it would go, considering that he doesn't like to sit still at the best of times and loves shiny new toys. I thought he would be running around the salon and grabbing the scissors and not letting anyone near his head, and that he would end up with half a haircut or none at all. Surprisingly it all went quite well! Max sat on my lap and the hairdresser was very good at choosing her moments so that I only had to hold him still once or twice for tricky bits like around his ears. Here's the result!

He looks even more like a little boy rather than a baby/toddler with his new short back'n'sides.


Anonymous said...

Nice! You should spike it up and give him the sk8r look :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Jo, gee he does look like a toddler now!!! Doesn't time fly! Fi

AndrewWrites said...

So...did you save the cut offs for Dad to use?!?

Ha ha ha!