Cam had three days off in a row this week, so we made the most of this unexpected blessing by going out to the farm to visit Grandma and Grandpa. They had had a full house on the weekend with Tammy and Cam and Amy and Kurt there as well, but we just missed Tammy, Cam and Kurt since they had to go back to Brisbane for work. We did manage to be there at the same time as Amy and the twins though, which was awesome since all of the little ones got to play together. The girls are more used to other little people being around, obviously, but Max is also getting to a better age where he interacts and plays with kids his age. Of the three Gabbie is kind of the ringleader, and will lead the other two into trouble if she can get away with it. Elke is starting to say all sorts of words really well and both of the girls love to climb up onto things. Max is still the biggest of the three and probably the biggest eater as well which makes sense!
On Monday afternoon we all went over to visit the Uebergangs, who are good family friends and who live on a property nearby. They have lots of animals, such as cows, chickens, a pet galah, dogs, cats and guinea pigs, so we thought the little ones would enjoy seeing them.
Max loves any animal with a tail who will let him come near it, so he made instant friends with their dog, Peaches.

Although she is a fairly big dog, especially compared to Max, he showed no fear and went straight over to grab her tail and was delighted when she started wagging it and hitting him.

He also thought the sprinkler on the lawn was pretty awesome and stood there staring at the water spraying out and getting wetter and wetter for ages!

Max, as always, is interested in food and loved watching the cow eat some lunch. Elke was very cute and showed her intelligence and skills off by saying 'moo' all the time while watching the cow with her poddy calf. All three of them were brave enough to give the cow a pat (no not that kind of cowpat) and stayed watching them for ages.

Probably the highlight of the trip to the Uebergang's farm for all three kids was this old trailer with some dirt and sticks in the bottom. No amount of funny noises and facial expressions from us could get all three to look at the camera when there was so much interesting dirt in the bottom of the trailer!

They all happily played here and got nice and dirty for ages, and would have stayed longer if we hadn't decided it was time to move on. They loved using the sticks to move the dirt around, and putting small sticks in the old icecream bucket, and sharing different interesting things they found there. It was great watching them interact so well together and enjoy themselves so much with such a simple toy!

While the girls were watching the chooks run around in their pen, Max spied this motorbike, and came straight for it with lots of big excited 'ooooooh!' noises. He had so much fun sitting on it and pressing the buttons, and also taking the key out and playing with it.

I'm sure he would have figured out how to make it go if he had long enough, and the girls had fun sitting up there as well!

Before we left to take the kids home for some dinner, we spent a few minutes saying hello to the guinea pig, which Max also thought was pretty cool.

It was great to see all the little ones enjoying the farm so much. I'm not sure if it was the being outside, or the animals, or the freedom to have space to explore, or a combination of all three, but they really did have a great time. Thanks to the Uebergangs for letting us explore your farm for the afternoon!
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