Anyway, Max and I went around to visit his cousins the twins the other day since it's been a while since they saw each other. The girls and their Mummy have both been quite sick for a while and we didn't want to risk catching it so thought it safer to stay away. In the meantime all of the little ones have made good progress.
Elke is quite good and steady at walking now and has been for a little while. She is the smallest of the three and looks very cute walking around. Gabbie has now started to walk as well, although still a bit unsteadily and just for short distances. Gabbie's talking and comprehension has been improving really well though, and she now can tell you what cows say ('mmmmm') and point at different colours and body parts. Max can say 'all gone' quite understandably, as well as 'dada', and his walking is also coming along very well.
The three toddlers all had fun playing together. Max and Gabbie chased each other up the many flights of stairs in the twins' house, since Max has just discovered the joys of climbing stairs and thinks it is great fun.

Once Elke woke up the three of them had lots of fun out on the deck playing with the pegs, the washing and the cats.

1 comment:
Hey, we tagged you in this blog post thing. Do it! - The Coplands
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