Last week Cam was feeling very rundown and sick and was advised to take the week off work to help him to recover and get back on track. So instead of me looking after two Batkin boys by myself, we decided to spend the week up at Nanny and Poppy's house so that everyone could have a bit of a break.
This worked out really well, since Nanny got to spend lots of time with her littlest grandson. She and Max had a good time going for a walk to get the paper in the mornings, playing with various toys, visiting friends and neighbours and getting wet in the bath (Max loves to splash so everyone ends up getting wet!).

It was also a good opportunity for Max to practice walking from me to Nanny and back again. Max also loved spending time with his Poppy, and by the end of our visit he was always happy to see him around the house and showed it by clapping his hands, smiling and stealing Poppy's beanie.

Nanny and I had lots of fun playing cards and chatting when we weren't busy keeping Max happy. If it was fine we also had fun taknig Max to a couple of different playgrounds near their house, and on rainy days we went driving around the area and took Max out for coffee and playtime at Bunnings while Nanny got some gardening supplies. Daddy stayed at home and caught some much needed rest, so everyone had a good time and enjoyed our break.
Thanks Nanny and Poppy!
I can't wait to see you all!!
And I am looking forward to photos from Max's birthday party! :)
Please please take a photo of Max, Cam and Mr. Batkin next time you get the chance. Thanks!!
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