Grandma and Grandpa were very excited to see Max since it had been a couple of months since our last visit. Those few months have seen Max grow and learn and make a lot of progress, so he was proud to show off his latest achievements and they enjoyed the chance for more interaction with him.

Max was a little tired when we got there, and quickly went to sleep in the pram while we wandered around and checked out the baking, vegetable growing and photography competitions, the hotted up utes, saw some snake handling and watched a bit of the sheepdog trials.
He woke up in time to say hello to some friends we met there, as well as these prize-winning sheep.
On Sunday morning we all went along to Yandilla church. Max was very well behaved for the service and barely made a peep. He slept soundly through the sermon on Harvest Thanksgiving which meant that I was able to stay inside and listen to it, which I enjoyed.

The rest of Sunday we spent just relaxing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We continued to encourage Max to crawl, which he has been steadily improving at for the last couple of weeks. He is getting more and more confident and will now keep going for more than just a few steps. We think the larger carpeted areas at both Nanny and Poppy and Grandma and Grandpa's houses have helped his confidence.
Here's Max enjoying one last cuddle with Grandma and Grandpa before we packed up and headed back to Brisbane.

and standing and walking while I hold his hands.
He also managed to eat a whole arrowroot biscuit, which he loved to eat since he was able to feed himself.
After a short visit we left Toowoomba and made our way back to Brisbane and had a relaxing Sunday evening to end our relaxing weekend out at the farm.
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