That's right ladies and gents tomorrow morning sees it being 4 weeks since Max joined our family in a very tangible sense. I think he fits in pretty well. He hasn't crushed our crazy go getting lifestyle too much. The other night we even managed a decent session at an all you can eat rib joint. The other 2 babies at the restaurant were older than Max and interrupted their parents meals quite a lot. I am proud to say that Max already understands priorities and respects his parents wishes as well.
Overall it has been a pretty good 4 weeks. We have had some rough moments and some moments where you question if you are doing the right thing like having his tongue tie cut. But I think it could have been a lot lot worse than what it has been. A lot of people say the first 4-6 weeks are the worst so things can only improve from here really.
Jo and Max went down to the local child health clinic today and Max got weighed. In the reverse of the biggest loser we are really glad that Max gained some weight. Max started life on the outside at a very healthy 9lb 1 oz or 4.11 kg and 4 weeks later comes in at a arm numbing 12lb 5 1/2 oz or 5.7kg.
We haven't checked that out on the growth percentile list or anything like that. But the nurse at the clinic said it was a decent effort. We were wondering why his nappies that are weight rated up to 5 kg seemed a little tight in the caboose.
If anyone would like to bid on 2 boxes of unopened newborn huggies nappies just leave a comment!! We may deliver!
The bags are packed...
8 years ago
$20 for both! Mark and Jen Bryant are expecting again...You could drop them off when you next come to visit (hint!).
Glad to hear you guys have survived your first month. Trust me, it only gets easier, and soon you'll be throwing Max around like a sack of old potatoes, ignoring him gooingin his crib while you try and get five more minutes sleep and accepting any offers from people to babysit him for you, just so you can go out for five minutes without having to puch something in front of you!
Seriously, you are both great people, so how can you be anything but great parents!
I just wanted you to know that I've been keeping up with the kiddo through your blog----adorable!!!
It seems like 4 weeks ago that I read this post...
If you want to keep the punters coming back you need regular updates! Honestly, you and those Woodyatts...slack arses!
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