Every year at Easter our church all go off to Mapleton for the annual church camp. Last year we all went and managed to have a good time even though Max chose that weekend to push out 3 teeth and was more than a little grumpy because of it.
Unfortunately this year was not any better. We arrived at camp on the Thursday evening and had a good car trip since Max slept for most of it. When we arrived, however, he decided that he had enough sleep and didn't need any more. I stayed in our room with him and every 10 minutes, had to go over to his portacot, lie him down and tell him to go to sleep, while attempting to do the same myself. After at least an hour of this, Cam came back to the room to find me attempting to put Max to sleep in the bed beside me, and rescued both of us by taking Max for a midnight walk in the pram to try and soothe him to sleep. This attempt also failed, since Max was still wide awake and would every now and again say 'moon!' or 'stars!' or 'trees!' or something. Cam gave up on the pram and tried to tire Max out by hanging out with some of the other men who were still awake and chatting, but once again Max foiled these plans by enjoying every minute of it and high-fiving everyone around. At about 1.30am Cam decided that was enough and came back to the room to try and put Max down again, which he eventually managed by 2am by lots of patting on the back.
Friday was a fun day at camp, despite our lack of sleep. In the afternoon we had lots of fun sports activities out on the very wet field, where Max decided to show off his forward-rolling skills and got so very muddy in the process. While Cam was showering him he noticed a bad rash that Max had been developing for the last few days. I originally thought it was just nappy rash, so put some cream on it and waited for it to go away. It had gradually been growing worse and spreading to other areas, so we thought we should go and get it checked out. So Friday afternoon we all drove down to Nambour hospital, only to find that Max actually had 'school sores', which is a type of staff infection that often goes around in schools or daycare centres, and which is highly infectious to children. We didn't want to risk him infecting the other small children on camp, and so decided to pull the plug on camp and head to Bli Bli to Nanny and Poppy's place instead.
It was probably just as well that we didn't stay, since Cam caught a tummy bug that apparently a few other people on camp also came down with, and was stuck in bed for much of Easter.
But it turned out ok, since Max loves visiting Nanny and Poppy and had a great time. He loved the chance to eat lots of 'chockit' as well! Bronwyn and Lance even came down from Hervey Bay to visit, and Max loved playing with his uncle Lance.