Apologies for being a bit slack in the blogging department lately. There hasn't been a whole lot happening, but there's a few little things that you may find interesting so I'll combine them all into one post.
Firstly Nanny and Poppy (Cam's parents) came down to visit Max (and us) last Tuesday. A fine day was had by all and we went out to Chinese for lunch to celebrate Nanny's birthday. Max was fairly well behaved apart from one screaming fit but he eventually calmed down after Cam took him outside and gave him a talking to, and we all had an elegant sufficiency and enjoyed the meal. Max gave out some cute smiles and talking noises to his grandparents and now has them even more firmly wrapped around his little finger. A grand day was had by all.
Max and I have now also attended a couple of parent's group sessions at our local child health clinic. I really enjoy these afternoons for the chance to get out of the house and chat to other mums and of course, compare Max against their babies to see if he really is as smart and gorgeous as I think he is. Since he is older than most of them he wins in the smartness department and I think he also comes out on top for cuteness. He doesn't always win the best behaved award since some of the others manage to sleep through the whole thing, but is instead smiling at the mums and babies around him and making cute talking noises so we have a good time.
Going to the clinics also gives me a chance to weigh Max and prove that it's not just our weak arms and imaginations in thinking that he's a nice big healthy heavy boy. As of last Thursday he weighed 8.24kgs, which is heavy for a 6 month old, let alone a boy who wasn't quite 3 months old yet!
Speaking of that, Max turned a big 3 months old on Friday! That time has just gone so quickly. We're really noticing daily achievements for him at this age now and he is rapidly gaining more control of his body, especially his hands which he loves to chew and suck on, and also to grab things and suck and chew on them. What a cutie!