Saturday, September 29, 2007

Baths by Grandma are fun!

Max's grandma came to visit early this week so that I would have someone else on hand to help after his first round of immunisations on Monday. After the inevitable screaming at being repeatedly jabbed with needles Max was very well behaved, and went straight to sleep!

When he woke up we thought he could do with a pleasant experience to balance out the nasty one and so Grandma gave him a bath, which he loved.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy 2 Month Birthday!

Today is Max's 2 month birthday. Hip hip hooray!

To celebrate, we went to the child health clinic this afternoon and weighed Max to see how his growing is coming along. He now weighs 7.12 kgs and is about 60cms long (hard to tell when he wriggles so much). Way to go Max!

In honour of this momentous occasion, I thought I'd make a list of things Max has learned to do in the past two months (in no particular order).
  • poo and wee
  • cry
  • sleep
  • suck on a dummy
  • fart
  • lift and hold his head up
  • listen to music
  • yawn
  • open one eye
  • breastfeed
  • burp
  • smile
  • poke out his tongue
  • grab on to things close to his hands
  • suck on his hands
  • kick
  • wriggle his arms out from being wrapped
  • wave his arms
  • cough
  • sneeze
  • stretch
  • make cute 'goo' and 'ah' noises
  • look at interesting things/people
  • arch his back
  • hiccup
  • reach out and touch things that interest him if they're within arms reach.
Here's some evidence ...Why suck on a dummy when you have hands?

Happy Birthday to me!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Poor Max

Max is a bit grumpy these days because he has caught a cold from somewhere. He has a nasty sounding cough and a stuffed nose which can make feeding difficult since has trouble breathing and sucking at the same time. Usually when he cries he sounds angry, but with the hoarseness in his voice lately he just sounds completely sad and miserable, and he looks at us with eyes that say 'Please fix it!'.

We went to the doctors yesterday and Max was given the all-clear on nasty things like throat and ear infections and doesn't have a fever, so apparently it's not the flu but just a cold that will get better eventually. Until then Max is a bit grumpy and miserable, and therefore Cam and I are tired and grumpy, so please pray for us.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Cam!

On our recent trip up the coast we stayed with Cam's parents, who were delighted to get the chance to spend so much time with their newest grandson (even when he was screaming!). Cam's mum couldn't help but compare Max with Cam at his age, and so she brought out some old photos to illustrate her point.

In honour of Cam's birthday on Thursday, here are some photos to show you how cute he was, and how similar Max looks!

This is the best one for illustrating the family resemblance. Although Cam is a little older than Max in this photo it's obvious where Max got his cute chubby cheeks and facial expressions!

Evidently Cam has always enjoyed shopping for food by the grin on his face. I took Max grocery shopping the other day and put him in the baby seat in the trolley and I think he had the same grin!

There's that grin again! He looks as though he's barely containing his excitement in this photo and is having much more fun than the other two with their stick.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Max's Busy Social Life

Max is only eight weeks old tomorrow but his social life is already up there with the best of them. For a example of what we mean let's explore Max's movements starting last Friday night.

Max was invited with Jo and I to the Pre Season Launch for the Brisbane Bullets our local team in the NBL that are reigning premiers and happen to play at where I work. Max was not the only baby there and we got to catch up with friends of ours Jason and Angela Fiddes and their four month old girl whose name I am not totally sure on how to spell so I won't give it a go because I am pretty sure I will get it wrong. A good time was had by all and Max mostly slept in his pram the whole time. So a good time had catching up and seeing some people and eating canapes while drinking free cokes. A funny moment happened when my mobile rang and it was Copland. I handed the phone to Jason who answered and then completely confused Copland as he thought he had called us. When I did finally speak to Coppy he assured me that Parents of young children should be home caring for their child and not gallivanting around eating and drinking free food.

Saturday night saw us at a BBQ at the Fiddes place with lots of friends that have small children. Young Eli who is only a couple of weeks old was there with the rest of his family. The Coplands were also down for a visit and we even had a long time friend for us all Mr Dave Harris. We laughed lots we ate lots including Caine's world famous low fat brownies. I think Max screamed a bit but was generally pretty well behaved. It was his first time meeting a lot of people so he generally is quite well behaved.

We drove straight from the BBQ to my parent's place on the coast for Max's first ever visit to the Sunshine Coast. I still hold the record as I was supposedly six weeks old when I first went to the coast and Max was seven weeks old.

We had a pretty good nights rest before my sisters and families arrived from the North and the South and we went out for lunch to celebrate my dad's 70th b'day. Max got lots of cuddles at the house before we went out and by the time lunch came around he slept all the way through it!!

I had the next two days off so Max was visited by Bec Carroll and on the way back to Brissy we visited another Coasty friend Stacey and her boy Nic. We also are delighted that Stacey is expecting her 3rd bundle of joy!!

So back to work to recuperate!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Father's Day!!

My first father's day started nice and early as I had to start work at 6. I had a pretty good day with lots of workmates wishing me a happy first father's day. I also received a number of good wishes in the form of sms.

I got home and Max was in his bouncer and having a bit of a whinge whilst Jo was slaving away in the kitchen working on a awesome home made lasagna. Max and I had a bit of couch time in which Max had a few small smiles at dad and then promptly went to sleep for the next 3 hours or so.

Before dinner I received all my goodies including two lolly necklace thingy's. I can't never remember what they are called but it is a thing they do at church on big occasions. I also got the new Paul Kelly album which I am enjoying even as I write this here blog.

The most touching gift I got though was the very cool card that Jo and Max made. It had Max's foot and hand prints on the front and inside. From what Jo was saying Max did not think having bits of his body covered in paint was not all that cool. It was a very cool card that was more of a letter than a card with how much my family appreciates what I do. It was really touching and humbling.

After a feed Max settled down and we had a wonderful home cooked lasagna with salad and garlic bread. We finished up with chocolate tart and ice cream.

It was a very memorable first father's day. I can't wait till next year!